Hearing Impairment occurs when there is a problem with or damage to one or more parts of the ear.
- Conductive hearing loss results from a problem with the outer or middle ear, including the ear canal, eardrum, or ossicles. A blockage or other structural problem interferes with how sound gets conducted through the ear, making sound levels seem lower. In many cases, conductive hearing loss can be corrected with medications or surgery.
- Sensorineural (pronounced: sen-so-ree-nyour-ul) hearing loss results from damage to the inner ear (cochlea) or the auditory nerve. The most common type is caused by the outer hair cells not functioning correctly. The person has trouble hearing clearly, understanding speech, and interpreting various sounds. This type of hearing loss is permanent. It may be treated with hearing aids.
- Mixed hearing loss happens when someone has both conductive and sensorineural hearing problems.
- Central hearing loss happens when the cochlea is working properly, but other parts of the brain are not. This is a less frequent type of hearing loss and is more difficult to treat.
- Auditory processing disorders (APD). This is not exactly a type of hearing loss because someone with APD can usually hear well in a quiet environment. But most people with APD have difficulty hearing in a noisy environment, which is the usual environment we live in. In most cases, APD can be treated with proper therapy.
In most severe cases, both outer and inner hair cells aren't working correctly. This is also a type of permanent hearing loss and can be treated with a cochlear implant. In some other cases, the outer hair cells work correctly, but the inner hair cells or the nerve are damaged. This type of hearing loss is called auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. The transmission of sound from the inner ear to the brain is then disorganized.
Children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder can develop strong language and communication skills with the help of medical devices, therapy, and visual communication techniques.
- The degree of hearing impairment can vary widely from person to person. Some people have partial hearing loss, meaning that the ear can pick up some sounds; others have complete hearing loss, meaning that the ear cannot hear at all (people with complete hearing loss are considered deaf). In some types of hearing loss, a person can have much more trouble when there is background noise. One or both ears may be affected, and the impairment may be worse in one ear than in the other.
The timing
of the hearing loss can vary, too. Congenital hearing loss is
present at birth. Acquired hearing loss happens later in life
— during childhood, the teen years, or in adulthood — and it can be sudden or
progressive (happening slowly over time).
- Type of hearing loss (part of the hearing mechanism that is affected).
- Degree of hearing loss (range and volume of sounds that are not heard).
- Configuration (range of pitches or frequencies at which the loss has occurred).

Causes Hearing Impairment?
most common cause of conductive hearing loss in kids and teens is
(pronounced: o-tie-tus)
which is the medical term for an ear infection that affects the
middle ear. Ear infections cause a buildup of fluid or pus behind the
eardrum, which can block the transmission of sound. Even after the
infection gets better, fluid might stay in the middle ear for weeks
or even months, causing difficulty hearing.
this fluid is usually temporary, and whether it goes away on its own
(which is usually the case) or with the help of medications, once
it's gone a person's hearing typically returns to normal. Blockages
in the ear, such as a foreign object, impacted earwax or dirt, or
fluid due to colds and allergies,
can also cause conductive hearing loss.

hearing impairment results from problems with or damage to the inner
ear or the auditory nerve. Its causes include:
- Genetic Disorders. Some genetic (inherited) disorders interfere with the proper development of the inner ear and/or the auditory nerve.
- Injuries to the ear or head. Injuries such as a skull fracture can cause hearing loss.
- Complications during pregnancy or birth. Some babies are born with hearing impairment due to infections or illnesses that the mother had while she was pregnant, which can interfere with the development of the inner ear. Premature babies are also at higher risk for hearing impairment.
- Infections or illnesses. Certain conditions, such as repeated ear infections, mumps, measles, chickenpox, and brain tumors, can damage the structures of the inner ear.
- Medications. Certain medications, such as some antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs, can cause hearing loss.
- Loud noise. A sudden loud noise or exposure to high noise levels (such as loud music) over time can cause permanent damage to the tiny hair cells in the cochlea, which then can't transmit sounds as effectively as they did before.
The outer hair cells are usually affected first, because they're very sensitive to loud sounds. Remember that these cells help us hear soft sounds. If exposure to loud noise continues for long periods of time, the inner hair cells and even the auditory nerve can become affected.
to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
Disorders, about 28 million Americans are deaf or hearing impaired.
That's about 1 out of every 10 people. Another 30 million are exposed
to hazardous noise levels on a regular basis. Hearing loss is also
the most common birth anomaly.
People with hearing impairment can communicate using numerous methods of communication, such as:
American Sign Language (ASL): This is the primary language of people who are deaf. It consists of a combination of hand movements and positions to express thoughts and phrases.
- Finger spelling: This is a manual form of communication in which the hand and fingers spell out letters of the alphabet to form words.
- Lipreading: This is a difficult skill used only by about 10% of people with hearing impairments. Therefore, don't assume that a deaf person to whom you are speaking can lip read. Even if a person cannot lip read, however, being allowed to see the speaker's mouth provides helpful visual cues.
- Written communication ("Pad and Pencil"): This is a fairly simple way to communicate with a person who is deaf. Remember, however, that sign language is the primary language for most persons who are deaf; English is a second language, so keep your words simple.
- Oral Communication
Assistive Technology Support for Individuals with Hearing Impairment
Low Tech
Whiteboards, like paper and pencil, can be used for informal conversation.

Mid Tech
Closed Captioning are the words at
the bottom of the screen when watching television.
Personal Frequency Modulation (FM)
Systems are like miniature radio stations operating on special
frequencies. This systems uses a transmitter microphone used by the
speaker and a receiver used by the listener. The receiver transmits
the sound to the ear of the listener or to the hearing aid directly
if the listener is wearing one.iCommunicator performs as a communication tool that concerts the voice of an individual into text on a computer. This technology translates voice into sign-language or a computer generated voice.
Powerful Videos that resonated with us!
Deaf Seahawk Inspires Hearing Impaired Students
The Lion Sleeps Tonight by African Deaf Children's Choir
Grayson Hears his Father's Voice for the First Time