Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Evening # 8 - The Writing Process

APPS for Reluctant Readers - a quick recap!

    Montesouri Crossword
    Teach me to Read - Montesourri
    Hooked on Phonics
    Reading Rainbow
    • 123 Genius
    • ABC Ninja
    • ABC Genius
    • Toddler
    • I Like Books
    Others include:

    Let the child "decide"
    Remember the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books? Brush of Truth by Story Bayou might be just the techie answer for encouraging a love of reading. From iTunes description

    Use Musical Story Apps
    Cassandra the Cow by Animalations is a huge hit with students, as are some of the apps from Perplext - this is from the developer The Little Red Hen.  The Perplext apps have a great pause feature so we can stop and practice each part of the story at our own pace.

    Writing Process Task Analysis
    We had the opportunity to perform a writing task analysis which entailed constructing a persuasive letter to out school board asking for iPads. We were then required to compose a list of EVERY STEP that we went through in order to complete the task....what a process!!! Here is a Summary (provided by Barbara Welsford) of the skill and processes involved in the Writing Process!

     Below, I experimented with PollEV while attempting to show the MANY Assisitve Technology options that are available to support our struggling writers:

    We had the opportunity to watch a student using Clicker Sentence App and in comparison to his writing and typing output, his ability to "show what he knows" was overwhelming!! Barbara also showed him using Lego Junior...

    This is a great graphic that provides Assistive Technology and the skills for which it can compensate in the Writing Process:
    • Below are 2 videos we watched...the first really breaks down the MANY necessary components necessary for handwriting that most of us do not even realize are essential components and that the majority of people take for granted giving an up close perspective on what many of our learners struggle with on a regular basis as they attempt to produce written output product. In the second, Wade talks to Carol to discuss viable "low tech" options with which we can support these students and how they are used!
                                           Pencil Grip, Positioning & Handwriting OT Perspectives

    Low Tech AT for Handwriting

    Here is one of Barbara's video tutorials from You Tube                                                                                                                that provides a quick walk through of Cowriter App.


    Students who that struggle with written output need Assistive Technology to become independent learners that can COMMUNICATE WHAT THEY KNOW...and the great news is....THAT TECHNOLOGY IS AVAILABLE!

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